The Wrisk Way

A lot of business leaders don’t really understand the intrinsic link between recruitment and company culture - which is all too often a buzzword bandied about but not really invested in. Here at Wrisk, people above profits is a mantra that the senior management live by and our culture is evident.
Wrisk Culture

The amazing thing about leading the HR team at a scaling company is that there is rarely a precedent to follow and I get to shape the way in which our recruitment process impacts our ongoing culture.

Learn by doing

Everyone makes mistakes. We’re human beings and it would be impossible to be perfect every time. Our CEO openly shares some of his own mistakes, but the key to moving forward is to learn from them. 

In fact, trial and error is a crucial part of innovation! The Wrisk way is to be open to experimenting. This is to say, that taking the time to try new things - without fear of failure - can lead to great things. And, hey, if you do err, we’re going to rally around you and support you, we’re going to learn from it together.

We’re lovin’ it

When you think of car insurance, you’ll almost certainly have at least one story that isn’t super positive. We’re out to change that. Our focus is customer experience; our platform allows car manufacturers to create insurance journeys that will delight buyers - a ‘would you like fries with that’ enhancement to purchasing a vehicle. 

We’re also taking what we know about customer experience and implementing it into our frictionless recruitment process.

Key to this is that everyone is involved; we have a very accessible leadership team who are involved with all hires at some point, reducing the need for notes to be shared, and extra meetings to be had. It saves time and keeps things moving, so when we say we’ll be in touch on Tuesday we can achieve that promise.

The most important thing is that this approach demonstrates our culture from the get-go. We are a fast-paced organisation, and we strive to always meet expectations. That is evident in the way we manage recruitment. Those who thrive on this set-up are engaged very early on and we know that they’ll love it at Wrisk. 

Work to live

Loving what you do is so fundamental to happiness.It can impact your mental and physical health and general life fulfilment. 

That being said, we believe that you should work to live - not live to work. Respecting our employees’ time and personal lives is essential. We offer flexible working arrangements and encourage our team members to maintain a healthy balance between their professional and personal responsibilities.

We don’t ‘welfare-wash’ - we know each other, we know workloads, we remind the team to put the glass down, we rally around each other when we face work challenges. There is pressure and there can be struggles. But, the Wrisk Way leaves the door open to always shout-up when help is needed. It's really as simple as that.